intro to Somatic Groundwork
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Foundations of Somatic Groundwork
Spring class series
live online
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Join me for a mini-workshop and experience the benefit of Somatic Groundwork through 3 curated classes.  I designed these classes to offer deep rest and recovery, enhance inner stability and ease, and encourage energy flow.

The classes will be progressive, based on the ten basic patterns and guided to promote nervous system harmony, renew fascial tissues and enhance body-wide organization. Learn a variety of somatic techniques like pandiculation, rolling point of contact, orienting, spacializing, constellations and more!
3 weekly classes
  • class 1: Thursday May 16
  • class 2: Thursday May 23
  • class 3: Thursday May 30

10 am MDT
75 minute classes
tap here for time converter

Live on Zoom
Or practice with the ondemand recordings
recordings available for 3 months
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class descriptions
class 1:  yielding and rolling points of contact
Yielding is a practice of embodied active rest in relationship to the ground and with gravity.  The pattern supports deep recovery and energy renewal. The grounding resources will be explored along with the somatic technique rolling point of contact.  Through movements like rhythmic rocking, knee drop and head spiral, experience benefits like spinal mobility and whole body ease. The sensing channels, techniques and patterns from this class will establish the base for class 2 and class 3.
class 2: unwinding thru long myofascial pathways
Unwinding is a method that partners with our body’s impulses to refresh and rebalance tensional forces through the fascial architecture. Class 2 will guide unwinding through whole body myofascial pathways with push and reach sequences in spirallic patterns. As a form of self-massage therapy, Somatic Groundwork unwinding explores the shape-shifting of our inner spaces by sensing inner efforts and flow. Common outcomes of unwinding include reduced pain and rigidity and feelings of pleasure and ease.
class 3: gentle core support
Core support in Somatic Groundwork is a movement approach to help with healthy movement and coordination from the center out. Repetitive movement, cumulative injury and chronic stress can contribute to impaired mobility, myofascial restrictions and feelings of discomfort and pain in the mid and low back.  Class 3 provides a safe and effective sequence of movements with special attention to the lumbo-pelvic-hip-complex, the movement of the respiratory and pelvic diaphragms, and the force transfer from the feet to the center body. Explore a dynamic range of qualities from soft and sequencing to stiff and stable and find your responsive center.
about Somatic Groundwork
Somatic Groundwork is a trauma-informed & fascia-oriented somatic movement system. The techniques and methods are used to develop sensing and movement skills that in turn promote physical support, mental ease and emotional steadiness. Somatic Groundwork is like a tonic medicine, a soothing balm, an act of embodied self-care that offers gentle somatic patterning for both immediate phase change and sustained revitalization.

The intimate weaving of the fascial system with the nervous system creates a body-wide sensory architecture. Somatic Groundwork naturally alters the gel-like properties of fascia improving tissue glide for easeful movement. With mindful activity of tracking our body’s felt-sense with ground, gravity and space, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated and chronic stress responses are dampened. 

From the practice of systems sensing, Somatic Groundwork commonly: 
  • restores feelings of pleasure and well-being
  • promotes self-regulation skills
  • reduces and/or eliminates low back, hip, neck and shoulder pain
  • relieves emotional overwhelm and angst
  • improves movement quality and function
  • helps to develop a compassionate partnership with our body
  • attunes sensory awareness 
  • offers recovery from chronic stress and overload

Somatic Groundwork returns us to a place of equanimity and presence through guided movement experiences. The progressive learning encourages gentle healing, inner stability and support; eases cumulative injury and improves movement skills; and boosts perceptual flexibility and creative inquiry.  Indeed, with practice over time and honesty in self-research, Somatic Groundwork bolsters our ability to pattern healthy relationships.

Somatic Groundwork is guided in a way that provides both structure and clear direction while also encouraging personal choice, curiosity and autonomy to follow intuitive body impulses. Participants need a welcome place for practice with enough room for your body to lie in X/star on the ground. Floors covered in wood, carpet or grass are ideal and mats or blankets are fine to use as well. Clothes without big buttons, snaps or zippers is recommended along with appropriate layers to maintain comfort. Verbal cues are the main method for guiding the learning process and it is usually not necessary for a participant to see or model someone else doing the movements.  
this class series is for:
those who desire alternative wellness practices

movement teachers and therapists

creative movement artists and explorers

people new to somatic movement (no prior experience needed)
Foundations of Somatic Groundwork
Spring class series
$75 usd
in this intro series:
enjoy three 75-minute classes
get access to the recordings for 3 months
learn bite-size practices for feeling and moving well
practice in the comfort of your own space
receive skillful guidance that encourages self-discovery
After purchase receive immediate confirmation of your registration + details on how to join live for the class series via Zoom. 
PRIVACY: We will not share or trade online information that you provide (including e-mail addresses)
step 1: account information
step 2: billing information
step 3: payment Information
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order summary
Please note, if you choose to make a payment in a currency other than USD,  your credit card or bank card issuer may apply a currency conversion rate or fees to your payment. Please contact your bank or credit card issuer to learn more about what fees may apply. SomaKinese, LLC is not responsible for these fees.
Hi, I am Kaila June Keliikuli
I am a daughter, mother, sister, spouse and auntie. I identify as queer, cisgender and white-bodied with German, Irish, Scottish and English ancestry. My last name is Hawaiian and is gifted through my wife and her lineage. For the past five years I have lived on Shoshone/ Bannock territory, Turtle Island in Boise, Idaho, USA.

I am a movement teacher of 30 years. In my early 20’s, I began developing the movement system Somatic Groundwork (or they began developing me). My approach has emerged through a systems science, co-creative, relational way. With a background as a semi-professional dancer, professional fitness trainer and somatic movement educator, I am an experienced movement practitioner and abiding student.
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Somatic Groundwork is where I go when I feel disconnected or when life has been too challenging.


The effects of Somatic Groundwork feel unique in relation to other mind body practices.


Somatic Groundwork combines four areas of interest and study: intuitive movement, nervous system health, the fascial nets and embodiment! It is like nothing I’ve ever tried! Embodied fascial intuitive bliss!


I enjoy the gentle approach and finding more connection with my body.


I appreciate Kaila's approach to movement and somatic exploration.


From the inside out. This practice has strengthened my sense of self and how I move and respond to daily life experiences.


Exploratory . . . deep . . . insightful and high standard teaching.


Kaila is an articulate guide who makes the practice resonate so well with my bodymind.


I love Somatic Groundwork. It always makes me feel invigorated and relaxed.


Allowing the freedom of physical and spiritual movement to emerge, Somatic Groundwork brings us to our own place of healing and stillness.
